Rambling Matters

Monday, October 18, 2010

What think ye...

of stimulus packages? well I know what you think, i.e. that the latest bailouts were necessary. Just thought I'd ask your thoughts on the following:

pg 21 "But the economy didn't grow because they consumed more. They consumed mored because the economy grew."

and pg 45 "Saving creates the capital that allows for the expansion of production."

A few years ago when I was first interested in economics I realized the fascination had a lot to do with the fact that the econ principles that made sense to me parallel'd gospel principles. Avoiding tough choices and taking the easy way out never seems to work in the gospel, and the same seems to apply in the economy, such as printing our way to prosperity. There is always a catch when it comes to the government's quick fix remedies. They are always about the pleasure now, pain later. I guess we voters are to blame, we put those kinds of politicians into power.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

also on page 9

"Able had just increased his productivity, and that was a good thing for everybody..."

Good thing for everybody, cuz you benefit from the lower cost. Unless of course you are now the less productive company and you get to go bankrupt. Looks likes it's time to contact your local politician, you see There's a Bill For That!



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