Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This is my first attempt at creating a blog. I am now experimenting with the layout. Ideally, someone could post and others could reply to that post and have a conversation, or they could begin their own post.


  1. This seems to work alright. Now we just need to start reading interesting books.

  2. I don't like how the post work very much, but it will do.

  3. yeah 600 pages is much larger than I anticipated.

    End the Fed would be good except for the fact that it assumes too much prior knowledge. Rather than explain WHAT the Fed does and HOW it does it, it mostly jumps straightway into the consequences of the Fed's actions. I don't know about the rest of us, but I could use some more background knowledge of how the fed works, why it was originally created, etc.

    I say we have everyone suggest 2-3 books, by tomorrow, then we vote and the book with the most votes is where we begin.

    Or we could go ahead and read Vonnegut's Cats Cradle, which I hear is a gem, and an easy read.

  4. Cats Cradle is my favorite book. We need to read that at some point. (I have never read a book twice, but this would be worth it) It sounds like we are starting with Case Against the Fed.

  5. Case Against the Fed is a good start. Give us a decent foundation or quick refresher on how the banking system "works". It is a fairly short read --150 pages. Found it on google books if anyone wants to read online: http://books.google.com/books?id=5rgJI0ya0JcC&lpg=PP1&dq=The%20Case%20Against%20the%20Fed&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=true




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