Thursday, August 26, 2010

Next Book

Hey all,

I believe we all finished Player Piano a while back. I highly recommend Cat's Cradle as the next Vonnegut if you enjoyed Player Piano. And of course, Slaughterhouse 5 is a classic. Those of us who are lucky enough to have commutes and the book on CD/Audible can knock a book out in a week. I am thinking with the next book we will just skip the schedule and all read at our own pace. Once the posts and comments come to an end, we can start a new book.

Speaking of a new book, any suggestions? I just got "The Audacity of Hope" (Obama's book)from the library. Not because I love him or hate him, but I would like to understand how our president thinks. If anyone wants to join me, please let me know. If you have other suggestions, make them now and if we vote on something else, I will put Obama to the side for now.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out with Outsourcing

Structural 10% unemployment, one outsourced job at a time. Until the government starts penalizing companies for outsourcing, this trend will continue, and the people of this country (except the top 1% in income) will be worse off. Out with outsourcing.



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