Thursday, August 12, 2010

Out with Outsourcing

Structural 10% unemployment, one outsourced job at a time. Until the government starts penalizing companies for outsourcing, this trend will continue, and the people of this country (except the top 1% in income) will be worse off. Out with outsourcing.


  1. So what if the money that would have gone to the 99% of Americans now goes to people in developing countries. Is a job in the US better than a job somewhere else. Is an American better than than a Nicaraguan? I would argue, no. Your thoughts?

  2. Silly Jeff, Filipinos aren't people.

    Do people really have a right to associate with whomever they want? oh but wait, there might be a political border separating those people, if you look on the map. Thus they're made criminals.

    Personally I would be pissed off if my daughter was passed over because the beau of her dreams picked, say, a Canadian! There ought to be a law, you know, to make things for fair for the locals.

    "You may only marry within your own ward, or within your own stake if you get special permission."





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